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Orange Public Schools

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In the words of one of Orange's own students, “DARE stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education, where 6th graders learn to make good choices and not do anything we are not supposed to do. For example, Officer [Robert] Amarone teaches us not to smoke tobacco or smoke marijuana. We also learn about alcohol and not to have it since we are only 11-12 years old and you have to be 21 to drink alcohol.”

DARE is a curricular program for all Orange 6th graders. This school year, it will be taught by Officer Carolyn Bailey of the Orange Police Department. The curriculum provides students with up-to-date information about use, misuse, and abuse of prescription and non-prescription drugs, illegal drugs, inhalents, and alcohol and tobacco (which are illegal for students). The program also explores adolescent behaviors which contribute to substance use from peer pressure to media exploitation to experimentation to stress reduction.

For more information see:

The Official DARE Website