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Birth to 3 Child Development App

*Developmental Screening birth- 5*

*This message contains information about developmental screening that is
available for your child at no cost.  Sparkler is a free evidence-based,
mobile application that is available in English and Spanish, for ALL
Connecticut families of 0-5 year-olds.   Sparkler
<playsparkler.org/connecticut>has tools to monitor your
child’s social-emotional, cognitive, communication, and physical
development, including the Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, as well as
suggestions for play-based learning activities to support your child’s
development.  You can download Sparkler from the Google Play Store
you have an Android phone or tablet or from the Apple App Store
<apps.apple.com/us/app/sparkler-play-for-parenting/id1236766824> if
you use an iPhone or iPad. *

*If you have questions about your child’s development and do not wish to
access the Sparkler app, you are able to contact 211 Child Development at
1-800-505-7000 or contact the school district directly using the contact
information below.*

*Contact the Orange Public Schools directly if you have questions or
concerns about your child’s development.  Please contact Elizabeth Caspe at
ecaspe@orange-ed.org <ecaspe@orange-ed.org> and she will be happy to speak
with you. *