Orange Board of Education Meeting
Orange Board of Education Meeting - 9.16.2024, 7:00 pm - YouTube Link
The Virtual Backpack has four categories to make your search even easier:
1. The “School News” contains notices for school wide events, activities, forms, permission slips, and so on.
2. The “Friday Blast” tab will house our weekly e-mail blasts.
3. “Parks, Recreation and Community News” is where you’ll find notices about all the various programs offered to students district-wide through the town’s ‘Parks and Recreation’ department as well as update you about town and community events, such as the Fireman’s Carnival, a local Art Show, or library events.
4."Healthy Lifestyles" contains newsletters from the Healthy Lifestyles committee.
We hope the ‘Virtual Backpack’ will help you keep track of the events and happenings that interest your family.
Orange Board of Education Meeting - 9.16.2024, 7:00 pm - YouTube Link