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Principal's Page

From the Desk of Ms. McNeil:

Dear Race Brook School Families and Friends,

On behalf of the Race Brook School community, it is truly my pleasure to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to you as we begin the 2023-2024 school year. To those students and parents who are new to Race Brook we extend an especially warm welcome and best wishes for an exciting and productive year in your new school. We hope that you will quickly feel at home and become involved in the activities of our school through the PTA and your child’s classroom program.

As the Principal of Race Brook School, I will work diligently with parents and faculty to foster an atmosphere that promotes a learning community characterized by child centered instruction and decisions, academic excellence, trust, respect, community involvement, excellent communications, and recognition of both student and staff achievement. Working together as a team we will move forward in our mission this new school year to create a nurturing and challenging environment in which all students can learn at optimum levels and become responsible members of society. We have so much to be proud of as a staff, family, and community. Each day, our teachers work tirelessly in preparing your children to be their best academically, socially and emotionally. Each teacher takes time in getting to know them and their learning style. Continuous improvement is at the core of our work at Race Brook. Our entire staff is committed to creating a community of engaged learners. Each year, we identify school goals and create action plans that focus our efforts toward enhancing our teaching practices. Our dedicated teachers meet weekly to collectively analyze student work and assessment data and to share instructional strategies aimed to enrich the academic performance of all students.

In addition to the above, we are proud of the inclusive and nurturing positive climate here at Race Brook School, and we attribute that to the partnership we have between home and school and the teaching that goes on in both places to ensure our students are good citizens, good students, and good friends. One of the ways we promote this in school is through our work with PBIS or Positive Behavior Intervention Support Systems. PBIS is a framework, which promotes the improvement of school climate, which ultimately enhances the impact of academic instruction on achievement – essentially, it brings about improvements in teaching and learning. Through our three PBIS expectations, “Respect Others, Be responsible, Safety first,” our students strive to be the best that they can be.

On behalf of the entire staff at Race Brook I want to wish you all a productive and successful school year. I look forward to working with all of you to continue the excellence that we have come to expect at Race Brook School.


Kathy McNeil


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