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Library Media Center

Welcome to the RBS Library Media Center

Contact: Mrs. Lisa Mitchals, Library Media Specialist



We reached our goal of 100% participation in the Connecticut Summer Reading Challenge!


Need a book to read? Check out our digital book collection using DESTINY our library catalog. You can find the icon below!

Race Brook School participates in the Nutmeg Book Awards. Students in grades 2-4 read books from the Nutmeg Elementary List and students in grades 4 - 6 read books from the Nutmeg Intermediate List.

Case Memorial Library Summer Program

Nutmeg Elementary List

Nutmeg Intermediate List

New database! Pebblego Next

Great for grades 3-6 that can be accessed anywhere there is an internet connection. The scope of this resource is the 50 states plus American Indian Studies. Go to www.PebbleGoNext.com. Contact Mrs. Mitchals for username and password.

Pebblego Next PDF



Welcome to our virtual library media center! Just as we have selected and organized books and other materials in our physical library media center, we have also selected and organized online resources for students and staff on this webpage! Our virtual library is open 24/7, so it is here to help before, during, and after school as well as on the weekends, too. If you have suggestions for resources to add, please let us know.



Destiny Quest

Library Policies and Procedures

The Orange Elementary School District's [Acceptable Use Policy] link here guides student use of the Internet and other technology resources in the library and throughout the school.

Circulation Procedures for Students

The loan period for library materials is one week. Students may renew materials according to the discretion of library media specialist.

Students may check out two items at a time in grades 1 & 2, three items in grade 3, and four items in grades 4, 5, and 6. Exceptions will be made to these limits (for example, for materials for a class assignment) at the discretion of the library media specialist.

When a student checks an item out from the library, families are responsible for the replacement cost of any lost library materials or for any materials damaged beyond the possibility of repair.

Nutmeg Books ebooks
Follett Shelf
Username and password is your individual log in to Destiny


Username: racebrook
password: school



Capstone Interactive

Orange Case Memorial Public Library

Newspaper in Education-
New Haven Register
username: racebrook_librarymedia
password: epaper
click on the "Access E-NIE" link at the top of the that page.
RBS Library Catalog