Bus Information
Bus Routes:
The approximate start time for the first bus stop is 7:40 am. Please be sure to review your student's bus stop as there are modifications made yearly. You should also plan on at least an extra ten minutes, both in the morning and afternoon, for the first few days of school while drivers develop a regular routine.
Bus Pickup Guidelines:
All children K – 6 are provided bus transportation to and from school. The Board of Education desires to provide an effective, efficient and safe transportation system. Bus routes are established under the direction of the Superintendent. Safety shall be determined by road visibility, waiting areas for students, distance from the bus stop to the home, walking terrain to the stop and other such pertinent factors. Parents are encouraged to walk their children to the bus stop.
Bus Stop Safety/Getting on
Students should arrive at the bus stop approximately five minutes before the bus arrives. Wait for the bus in a safe place off the roadway. Wait for signal from the bus driver after the bus has come to a complete stop before approaching. Students who have to cross a road should not proceed until the bus driver signals them to pass. Students should step up onto the bus, one at a time using the handrail and proceed directly to a seat. If students need to cross the road, cross approximately 5-10 feet in front of the school bus. If an object is dropped do not stoop to pick items up. Inform the bus driver and driver will supervise the collecting of dropped items.
Bus Stop Safety/Getting Off
Students should remain seated until the bus stops. Students should line up in the aisle and get off, one at a time, using the hand rails. Students who have to cross the road should wait for the bus driver’s signal before crossing. Students should cross 5-10 feet in front of the bus. If an object is dropped do not stoop to pick items up. Inform the bus driver and driver will supervise the collecting of dropped items.
Bus Rules
Students are not to ride on busses other than the one to which they are assigned. The school bus ride is an extension of the school day. Students are expected to conduct themselves in the same appropriate manner on the bus as they do in school. Older students are expected to provide leadership at the bus stop and during the bus ride. The Orange Board of Education's bullying policy is in effect on the school bus as well as in school.
Students are expected to:
Remain seated while the bus is moving
Not shout, fight or play rough
Conduct themselves in a manner which presents no danger to themselves or others
Not bring pets or breakable items on the school bus
Not eat snacks or chew gum, etc. on the school bus
Show respect for fellow students and the bus driver
Keep all aisles and emergency exits clear – NO BACKPACKS blocking exits
The bus drivers are the responsible adults on the bus. Their directions must be followed. Any bus concerns should be directed to the Principal of the school. Further information can be found in the student handbook.