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New Student Registration

Welcome to Orange Public Schools and Mary L. Tracy School!

Mary L. Tracy School is home to all kindergarten students in the Town of Orange. In addition, the Preschool program is an inclusive program in which peers are selected through a lottery system. You will find the necessary registration information below. 

NOTE: The registration process for Preschool and Kindergarten varies slightly from the three elementary schools.

Students who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025

Students who will be 5 years old between September 2, 2025-January 1, 2026

  • A written request must be provided to the Mary L. Tracy School’s principal, Mrs. Elaine Watson, in order for your child to be considered to enter kindergarten.
  • Once a request is received you will be sent confirmation of your request.
  • An appointment will then be scheduled for your child to be screened for early entry.
  • After the assessment has been conducted you will be notified if your child is able to attend kindergarten.

Initial Contact Form for Registration (Start Here!)

Enrollment Process Instructions

The following documents are required to complete the enrollment process:
An * denotes a form that should be printed and filled out. An ! denotes a form that must be filled out by the student's physician:
School Documents
Birth Certificate of Child to be Registered
Medical Forms
Please note that your child is not officially enrolled in school and may not begin attending until all documents have been received.
Additional Medical Forms Only if Applicable
Medication Administration Form ! is required in order for the school nurse to administer any medications, prescription or otherwise, to your child.
Allergy Form ! if your student has life threatening allergies that need to be documented by the school nurse
Asthma Form ! if your student has Asthma

Registration Checklist

__ Filled out Enrollment Forms through the PowerSchool Portal

__ Uploaded residency form and obtained 2 proofs of residency (one of which must be

a signed purchase or lease agreement)

__ Uploaded child's original birth certificate

__ Completed the Home Language Survey (required for ALL families)

__ Had child's physician fill out medical form

__ Had child's physician fill out allergy or asthma forms (if applicable)

__ Had child's physician fill out Medication Form (if applicable)