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Food Service Department

The Lunch Menu for all schools:

MLT, PPS, RBS and THS Menu

Orange Public Schools Local Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment 2022 - 7/21/2022

Orange Public Schools Local Wellness Policy
Triennial Assessment 2022

Notice to Conclude Free Meals

Notice to Conclude Free Meals

The Food Services Staff works hard and takes great pride in providing our students a fresh, healthy lunch that meets all state requirements for nutrition. Every lunch is made with care and includes whole grains, protein, dairy, vegetables and fresh fruits.

We provide our students with options every day. They can choose from the main or alternate lunch, a salad from the salad bar, or a yogurt plate (yogurt, string cheese and soft pretzel). We serve milk with every lunch. Water and juice are always available upon request.

We also offer options for our students with allergies and food sensitivities. Please see the "Allergies and Nutrition" page to the right for more information.