Pre-School Teacher- Annie Brooks
A little about me...
I am Miss Annie. This is my 7th year at MLT. Prior to teaching here, I worked several years as a preschool teacher in another district and also as a Birth to Three developmental therapist.
I graduated from Loyola University in Baltimore with a bachelor's degree in psychology and from Southern CT. State University with a master's in special education, with a concentration in early childhood.
I live in Milford with my husband, 3 busy girls, and our dog.
I am excited for a new school year filled with lots of fun and learning!!!
About our preschool...
All of our preschool classrooms are mixed ages 3's and 4's. Our school hours are:
AM Class- 8:30-11:30
PM Class- 12:00-3:00
When there is a delayed opening, there is no AM class. When there is an early dismissal, there is no PM class.
Items Needed
*Backpack (large enough for folder we provide)
*Lunch box (small snack and water bottle)
*Change of clothes, we keep at school
***Please label all items
Contact Information
Annie Brooks, Room 101
MLT (203)891-8028