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Pre K - Ms. Improta

Welcome to Miss Liza's Pre - K Page!

Our AM Pre- K class meets 5 days a week from 8:30 to 11:30 AM.  Our PM Pre- K class meets 5 days a week from 11:30 - 3:00 PM.  Our Pre- K classes are a mixed aged group 3 - 5 year olds.  It's also an integrated classroom.  Some children receive special education services and some of the children are community peers.  

Liza Improta

Room 102

E-Mail: Limprota@orange-ed.org

Teacher Bio


What You Need For School

  • -Back pack to fit a large folder (We Provide the folder)
  • -Lunch Box (small snack & drink daily)
  • -Spare Change of Clothes to keep in classroom (Pants, Socks, Underwear, Shirt, all labeled in a zip lock bag)
  • -M.L.T. Folder

In case of Inclement weather:

2 hour delay:  No AM Pre - K 

Early Dismissal:  No PM Pre - K