Policy # | Policy Title | Last Rev. |
0000 | Philosophy of the Public Schools | 4/15/2013 |
0050 | Code of Ethics | 4/15/2013 |
0100 | Mission Statement | 4/15/2013 |
0200 | Goals and Objectives | 9/16/2016 |
0210 | Goals/Objectives for Student Accomplishment | 2003 |
0220 | Goals/Objectives for School Operation | 2003 |
0300 | Policies for Orange Public Schools | 5/15/1984 |
0521 | Nondiscrimination | 4/15/2013 |
0521.2 | Commitment to Religious Neutrality (Prayer in the Schools) | 4/15/2013 |
Policy and Procedures
In Connecticut, public school districts use a universal framework to name, categorize, and organize their operating policies. In many cases, the basic tenets of these policies are created and issued by the State of Connecticut. In other cases, the policies are issued from the federal level. Sometimes policies may reflect a combination of state/federal requirements with additional requirements crafted by our Board of Education in Orange.
The official set of formal policies is managed by the our elected Board of Education officials. Changes in policy can only be considered by the Board and enacted by a vote.
For all other policies, please use the menu to choose another policy or handbook to view.
Policy # | Policy Title | Last Rev. |
1000 | Concept and Roles in Community Relations | 4/15/2013 |
1110 | Communications with the Public | 4/15/2013 |
1110.1 | Parent Involvement | 4/15/2013 |
1110.2 | Parent Portal Acceptable Use and Safety Policy | 4/15/2013 |
1111 | Use of Education/Government Cablevision Channel (OGAT) | 4/15/2013 |
1112.5 | Media Access to Students | 4/15/2013 |
1112.5 Form | Media Access to Students - Permission Form | |
1112.6 | Videotaping of Staff/Students | 4/15/2013 |
1120 | Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings | 4/15/2013 |
1140 | Distribution of Materials by Students (Use of Students) | 4/15/2013 |
1150 | Responsibilities of Board Members and School Personnel | 4/15/2013 |
1170 | Recognition of Students, Citizens, Staff Members, and Members of the Board of Education | 4/15/2013 |
1210 | Community Organizations | 4/15/2013 |
1212 | School Volunteers | 4/18/2022 |
1212 Form | Volunteer Information Form and Waiver of Liability | |
1220 | Citizens' Ad Hoc Advisory Committees | 4/15/2013 |
1250 | School Visitors | 12/20/2021 |
1251 | Loitering or Causing Disturbance | 4/15/2013 |
1300.1 | Community Engagement | 4/15/2013 |
1311.1 | Political Activities of School Employees | 4/15/2013 |
1311.2 | Political Activities in the Schools | 4/15/2013 |
1312 | Public Complaints | 4/15/2013 |
1312 Form | Challenged Material Form | |
1313 | Gifts to School Personnel | 4/15/2013 |
1316 | Relations Between Public and School Personnel | 4/15/2013 |
1321 | Public Performances by Students | 4/15/2013 |
1322 | Student Contests | 4/15/2013 |
1324 | Soliciting Funds from and by Students | 4/15/2013 |
1324 Form | Fundraising Activity Approval - Gifts, Grants and Bequests Form | |
1325 | Advertising and Promotion | 4/15/2013 |
1330 | Use of School Facilities | 4/15/2013 |
1331 | Smoke Free Environment | 1/21/2020 |
1411 | Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies | 4/15/2013 |
1412 | Fire Department | 11/15/2021 |
1416 | Fiscal Authority | 4/15/2013 |
1430 | State/Federal Government | 4/15/2013 |
1500 | Relations Between Area, State, Regional, and National Associations, and the Schools | 4/15/2013 |
1700 | Otherwise Lawful Possession of Firearms on School Property | 11/15/2021 |
Policy # | Policy Title | Last Rev. |
2000 | Superintendent-Administration Basic Concepts | 4/15/2013 |
2000.1 | Board-Superintendent Relationship | 4/15/2013 |
2000.1 Appendix | Hiring of Personnel | |
2001 | Participatory Management | 4/15/2013 |
2100 | Administrative Staff Organization | 4/15/2013 |
2111 | Equal Employment Opportunity | 4/15/2013 |
2112 | Professional Development | 4/15/2013 |
2120 | Organization Chart | 4/15/2013 |
2121 | Lines of Responsibility | 4/15/2013 |
2130 | Job Descriptions | 4/15/2013 |
2131 | Superintendent of Schools | 12/20/2021 |
2141 | Recruitment and Appointment of Superintendent | 4/15/2013 |
2151 | Hiring School Administrators | 1/19/2021 |
2200 | Administrative Operations | 4/15/2013 |
2210 | Administrative Leeway in Absence of Board Policy | 4/15/2013 |
2221 | Administrative Councils and Committees | 4/15/2013 |
2231 | Policy and Regulation Systems | 4/15/2013 |
2240 | Educational Research in District Schools | 4/15/2013 |
2250 | Administrative Monitoring of Product and Process Goals | 4/15/2013 |
2300 | Statement of Ethics for Administrators | 4/15/2013 |
2400 | Evaluation of the Superintendent | 4/15/2013 |
2400 Appendix A | Evaluation Process and Timeline Flowchart | |
2400 Appendix C | References | |
2400 Form | Fundraising Activity Approval - Gifts, Grants and Bequests Form | |
2500 | Administrative Reports | 4/15/2013 |
Policy # | Policy Title | Last Rev. |
3000 | Concept and Roles in Business and Non-Instructional Operations | 5/13/2013 |
3010 | Goals and Objectives | 5/13/2013 |
3110 | Budget Planning | 5/13/2013 |
3111 | Fiscal Year | 5/13/2013 |
3120 | Budget Development | 5/20/2024 |
3150 | Budget Adoption | 5/13/2013 |
3152 | Spending Public Funds for Advocacy | 1/19/2021 |
3160 | Transfer of Funds Between Categories; Amendments | 1/19/2021 |
3231 | Medical Reimbursement for Special Education Students | 5/13/2013 |
3232 | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Fiscal Compliance | 5/17/21 |
3240 | Tuition Fees | 10/16/2023 |
3250 | Materials/Service Fees, Charges | 5/13/2013 |
3260 | Sales and Disposal of Obsolete Books, Equipment, and Supplies | 5/13/2013 |
3260 Form | Sales and Disposal of Obsolete Books, Equipment & Supplies Form | |
3280 | Gifts, Grants, Donations, and Bequests | 10/18/2021 |
3280 Form | Gifts, Grants, and Bequests Approval Form | |
3290 | Grants and Other Revenue | 5/13/2013 |
3292 | Investment of Funds | 5/13/2013 |
3313 | Relations with Vendors | 10/18/2021 |
3313.1 | Local Purchasing | 5/13/2013 |
3320 | Purchasing Procedures | 5/13/2013 |
3323 | Soliciting Prices/Bidding Requirements | 12/21/2020 |
3324 | Ordering Goods and Services - Purchase Orders and Contracts | 10/18/2021 |
3326 | Paying for Goods and Services | 5/13/2013 |
3326.1 | Payroll Procedures and Authorized Signatures | 5/13/2013 |
3326.3 | Board of Education Credit Card | 5/17/2021 |
3410 | System of Accounts | 5/13/2013 |
3432 | Financial Records and Reports | 5/13/2013 |
3434 | Periodic Audits | 5/13/2013 |
3435 | Accounts | 5/13/2013 |
3435 Form | Code of Conduct and Ethical Behavior Form | |
3440 | Inventories | 5/13/2013 |
3450 | Money in School Buildings | 5/13/2013 |
3453 | Student Activity Funds (21st Century and Cafeteria Funds) | 5/13/2013 |
3510 | Operation and Maintenance of Plant | 5/13/2013 |
3511 | Compliance with 504 Regulations | 5/13/2013 |
3513.1 | Energy Conservation | 5/13/2013 |
3514 | Equipment | 5/13/2013 |
3514 Form | Use of School Equipment or Property Form | |
3515 | Facilities Use | 10/18/2021 |
3516 | Safety | 5/13/2013 |
3516.11 | Hazardous Materials Communication | 5/17/2021 |
3516.3 | Accident Prevention and Reporting | 5/13/2013 |
3516.4 | Sex Offender Notification | 5/13/2013 |
3516.5 | Sexual Offenders on School Property | 5/13/2013 |
3517 | Security of Buildings and Grounds | 11/15/2021 |
3520 | Data-Based Information Management System | 5/13/2013 |
3520.1 | Information Security Breach and Notification | 5/13/2013 |
3520.11 | Electronic Information Security | 5/13/2013 |
3520.12 | Confidentiality Policy | 5/13/2013 |
3520.13 | Student Data Protection and Privacy/Cloud-Based Issues | 3/19/2018 |
3524 | Hazardous Materials in Schools | 5/13/2013 |
3524.1 | Pesticide Management/Pesticide Application | 10/18/2021 |
3524.2 | Green Cleaning Program | 5/13/2013 |
3532 | Property Insurance | 5/13/2013 |
3534 | Employee/Officer Bonds | 5/13/2013 |
3541 | Transportation | 5/13/2013 |
3541.22 | Bus Drivers | 5/13/2013 |
3541.22(a) | Drivers | 4/18/2022 |
3541.23 | Bus Contractor | 5/13/2013 |
3541.3 | Routes and Services | 12/21/2020 |
3541.32 | Special Transportation for School-Related Trips | 5/13/2013 |
3541.43 | Transportation Equipment | 5/13/2013 |
3541.44 | Privately Owned Vehicles | 5/13/2013 |
3541.5 | Safety Complaints/Records and Reports | 5/13/2013 |
3542 | School Lunch Service | 5/13/2013 |
3542.1 | Food Service - Purposes and Facilities | 5/13/2013 |
3542.22 | Food Service Personnel - Code of Conduct | 4/23/2018 |
3542.31 | Participation in the National School Lunch Program | 5/13/2013 |
3542.33 | Food Sales Other than National School Lunch Program | 5/13/2013 |
3542.34 | Nutrition Program | 5/13/2013 |
3542.41 | Professional Standards for Food Service Personnel | 4/23/2018 |
3542.42 | Finance | 5/13/2013 |
3542.43 | Charging Policy | 5/21/2018 |
3543.31 | Retention Guidelines | 5/13/2013 |
3543.311 | Electronic Communications Use and Retention | 5/13/2013 |
Policy # | Policy Title | Last Rev. |
4000 Series | 4000 Series Policies List | Under Review |
4000.1 | Title IX | 12/21/2020 |
4111.1/4211.1 | Equal Opportunity Employment | 4/18/2022 |
4111.1/4112.2 | Certification | 6/17/2024 |
4112.5 | Security Check/Fingerprinting | 9/16/2024 |
4112.5 Appendix A | Agency Privacy Requirements for Noncriminal Justice Applicants | |
4112.5 Appendix B | Noncriminal Justice Applicant's Privacy Rights | |
4112.5 Appendix C | Privacy Act Statement | |
4112.5 Appendix D | Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) Agreement | |
4112.51 | Employment/Reference Checks | 3/19/2018 |
4112.6 | Personnel Records | 4/18/2022 |
4112.61 | Use and Disclosure of Employee Medical Information (HIPAA) | 1/12/2015 |
4112.8/4212.8 | Nepotism: Employment of Relatives | 4/18/2022 |
4114 | Assignment and Transfer | 9/18/2023 |
4118.1 | Employees with HIV, ARC, and AIDS | 9/18/2023 |
4118.14/4218.14 | Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disabilities | 4/18/2022 |
4118.21 | Academic Freedom | 8/15/2022 |
4118.22/4218.22 | Code of Ethics | 6/17/2024 |
4118.232/4218.232 | Smoking, Drinking, and Use of Drugs on School Premises | 9/18/2023 |
4118.234 | Psychotropic Drug Use | 2/10/2015 |
4118.3/4218.3 | Conflict of Interest | 9/18/2023 |
4120 | Temporary and Part-Time Personnel | 6/17/2024 |
4121 | Substitute Teachers | 11/20/2023 |
4131 | Professional Learning/Staff Development | 5/21/2018 |
4133/4233 | Travel Reimbursement | 9/16/2024 | 4134 | Tutoring | 11/18/2024 |
4148/4248 | Employee Protection | 12/18/2023 |
4214 | Assignment and Transfer | 10/16/2023 |
4215 | Supervision and Evaluation | 10/16/2023 |
4218 | Dismissal/Suspension | 10/16/2023 |
Policy # | Policy Title | Last Rev. |
5000 Series | 5000 Series Policies List | Under Review |
5111 | Admission/Placement | 6/20/2022 |
5113 | Attendance and Excuses | 4/22/2019 |
5113.2 | Truancy | 8/15/2016 |
5114 | Suspension and Expulsion / Due Process ( Covered by Policy 5131 ) | 6/17/2019 |
5117.1 | School Attendance Areas | 1/17/2023 |
5118 | Non-Resident Students | 9/17/2018 |
5118.1 | Children Who Are Homeless | 5/12/2014 |
5118.1 Form | Housing Information Form | |
5121 | Examination/Grading/Rating | 8/17/2015 |
5124 | Reporting to Parents | 12/18/2023 |
5125 | Student Records; Confidentiality | 1/21/2020 |
5125.11 | Health/Medical Records | 4/22/2019 |
5131 | Conduct and Discipline | 7/20/2020 |
5131.5 | Vandalism by Minors | 12/18/2023 |
5131.6 P | Alcohol Use, Drugs, and Tobacco (including Performance Enhancing Substances) | 9/17/2018 |
5131.7 | Weapons and Dangerous Instruments | 11/21/2022 |
5131.81 | Personal Technology Use in Schools/Cellular Phones/Electronic Communication Devices | 10/21/2024 |
5131.911 | Connecticut School Climate Policy | 6/17/2024 |
5132 | Dress and Grooming | 11/18/2024 |
5141.21 | Administering Medication | 9/19/2016 |
5141.21 Form 1 | Administering Medications Form | |
5141.21 Form 2 | Individual Student Medication Record Form | |
5141.21 Form 3 | Medication Error or Incident Report Form | |
5141.21 Form 4 | Record of Training of Qualified Personnel for Schools in the Administration of Medicines Form | |
5141.21 Form 5 | Record of Education/Supervision for Authorized Personnel for Schools in Medication Administration Form | |
5141.21 Form 6 | HIPAA-Compliant Authorization for Exchange of Health & Education Information Form | |
5141.21 Form 7 | Individualized Health Care Plan Form | |
5141.21 Form 8 | Report of Epinephrine Administration Form | |
5141.22 | Communicable/Infectious Diseases | 5/20/2024 |
5141.231 | Psychotropic Drug Use | 2/10/2015 |
5141.25 | Students with Special Health Care Needs | 6/19/2017 |
5141.26 R | Management Plan and Guidelines For Students With Food Allergies and/or Glycogen Storage Disease | 6/19/2017 |
5141.3 | Health Assessments and Immunizations | 5/21/2018 |
5141.4 | Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect and Sexual Assault | 1/22/2019 |
5141.5 | Suicide Prevention and Intervention | 12/18/2023 |
5141.6 | Crisis Response | 1/17/2023 |
5142 | Student Safety | 10/21/2024 |
5142.1 | Relations with Non-Custodial Parents | 01/25/2024 |
5142.4 | School Security Officers | 9/19/2022 |
5144.1 | Physical Restraint/Seclusion/Exclusionary Time Out | 1/22/2019 |
5144.1 Form 1 | Model Incident Report for the Emergency Use of Seclusion (as of 3/29/2016) | |
5144.1 Form 2 | Model Incident Report for the Emergency Use of Restraint (as of 3/29/2016) | |
5144.1 Form 3 | Model Monitoring Report for Restraint or Seclusion incidents exceeding 15 minutes (as of 3/29/2016) | |
5144.4 | Physical Exercise and Discipline of Students | 11/18/2019 |
5145 | Policy Regarding Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 | 11/9/2015 |
5145.4 | Americans With Disabilities Act/Section 504 | 6/17/2019 |
5145.4 Appendix | Americans With Disabilities Act - Appendix | |
5145.511 | Sexual Abuse Prevention and Education Program | 9/19/2016 |
Policy # | Policy Title | Last Rev. |
6000 | Concept and Roles in Instruction | 2002 |
6010 | Goals and Objectives | 2002 |
6111 | School Calendar | 1/17/2023 |
6112 | School Day | 5/16/2022 |
6112.1 | Opening Exercises, Observances, Ceremonies, Programs | 9/16/2024 |
6114 | Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness | 6/20/2022 |
6114.1 | Fire Emergency | 12/13/2010 |
6114.6 | Inclement Weather | 2002 |
6114.8 | Pandemic/Epidemic Emergencies | 9/8/2008 |
6114.8 Appendix A | Public Health Instructions During a Pandemic Flu | |
6114.8 Appendix B | Fact Sheet: Stopping Germs at Home, Work, and School | |
6114.8 Form 1 | Sample Parent Letter #1: Prevention Letter | |
6114.8 Form 2 | Sample Parent Letter #2: First Bird Case | |
6114.8 Form 3 | Sample Parent Letter #3: Initial Pandemic Flu Outbreak | |
6114.8 Form 4 | Sample Parent Letter #4: Expanded Outbreak | |
6114.8 Form 5 | Sample Parent Letter #5: School Closure | |
6114.8 Form 6 | Sample Parent Letter #6: School Re-Opens | |
6114.8 Form 7 | Tips for Parents on Coping with Pandemic Flu | |
6114.8 Form 8 | Sample Key Messages for School Officials - An Outbreak | |
6115 | Ceremonies and Observances | 2/11/2008 |
6121 | Nondiscrimination in the Instructional Program | 11/21/2022 |
6121.1 | Comparability of Services - Title I | 12/11/1995 |
6121.2 | Equal Educational Opportunity | 2002 |
6130 | Organizational Plan | 10/21/2024 |
6140 | Curriculum | 2002 |
6141 | Curriculum Design/Development/Evaluation | 10/13/2009 |
6141.2 | Separation of Church and State | 2002 |
6141.31 | Bilingual-Bicultural Education | 12/19/2022 |
6141.312 | Migrant Students | 8/15/2022 |
6141.312 Form | Programs for Migrant Students - Family Interview Form | |
6141.32 | Technology and Instruction | 2002 |
6141.321 | Telecommunications/Internet - Acceptable Use | 3/12/2007 |
6141.322 | Websites/Pages | 11/20/2023 |
6141.323 | Internet Acceptable Use: Filtering | 4/6/2009 |
6141.325 | Use of New Web Tools (Blogging/Podcasting) | 4/6/2009 |
6142 | Basic Instructional Program | 2003 |
6142.101 | Student Nutrition and Physical Activity (School Wellness Policy) | 10/16/2017 |
6142.2 | Reading/Language Arts | 2003 |
6144 | Controversial Issues | 2003 |
6144.1 | Exemption from Instruction | 8/25/2022 |
6145.3 | Publications | 9/10/2007 |
6146.1 | Grading System | 5/9/2000 |
6146.2 | Statewide Proficiency/Mastery Examinations | 10/13/2015 |
6150 | Instructional Arrangements | 9/9/1985 |
6151 | Class Size | 8/21/2017 |
6151 Appendix A | Class Size Appendix A | |
6153 | Field Trips | 9/17/2018 |
6154 | Homework/Make-up Work | 3/8/1993 |
6156 | Use of Computers in Instruction | 2003 |
6156.1 | Electronic/Mechanical Assistance | 9/9/1985 |
6159 | Individualized Education Program/Special Education Program | 11/18/2019 |
6159.1 | Released Time | 2003 |
6161 | Equipment, Books, and Materials: Provision/Selection | 2003 |
6161.1 | Evaluation of Instructional Materials | 2003 |
6161.21 | Overdue, Damaged, or Lost Instructional Materials | 2003 |
6161.3 | Comparability of Services | 11/19/2018 |
6161.7 | Use of Proprietary Software Products | 1/1998 |
6162.3 | Research: Testing | 11/18/2024 |
6162.31 | Test Exclusion | 8/25/2022 |
6162.4 | School Volunteers | 01/25/2024 |
6162.51 | Surveys of Students (Student Privacy) | 11/19/2018 |
6162.6 | Copyright Law Compliance | 11/20/2023 |
6163 | Instructional Resources for Students | 9/8/2008 |
6163.1 | Media Center (Library) | 9/9/1985 |
6163.2 | Live Animals in the Classroom | 10/14/2008 |
6163.3 | District Computers | 2003 |
6163.32 | Live Animals in the Classroom / Service Animals in Schools | 11/19/2018 |
6164.11 | Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol | 6/18/2018 |
6164.12 | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) | 11/21/2022 |
6164.4 | Identification of Special Needs and Abilities | 11/20/2023 |
6171 | Special Education | 11/19/2018 |
6171.1 | School Child Study Team Procedures | 2003 |
6171.2 | Pre-School Special Education | 4/23/2018 |
6171.3 | Planning and Placement Team Procedures | 2003 |
6171.4 | Individualized Education Program Procedures | 2003 |
6171.5 | Placement Options | 2003 |
6171.6 | Independent Educational Evaluation | 2003 |
6171.7 | Confidentiality | 2003 |
6172.12 | Magnet Schools | 4/5/2010 |
6172.3 | Parent Instruction of Children at Home | 01/25/2024 |
6172.3 Form | Notice of Intent - Instruction of a Student at Home Form | |
6172.4 | Title I Parent and Family Engagement | 12/19/2022 |
6172.8 | School-wide Pre-Referral Approaches & Interventions | 4/5/2010 |
6173 | Homebound/Hospital Instruction | 4/23/2018 |
6174 | Summer School | 2003 |
6176 | Career/Vocational Education | 9/9/1995 |
6177 | Use of Commercially Produced Video Recordings | 6/8/1996 |
6180 | Evaluation of School District Programs and Strategic Plan | 11/18/2024 |
Policy # | Policy Title | Last Rev. |
7100 | Planning | 5/13/2013 |
7110 | Long Range Planning | 5/13/2013 |
7110 | Long Range Planning | 5/13/2013 |
7113.1 | Retirement of Facilities | 5/13/2013 |
7114.2 | Temporary School Facilities | 5/13/2013 |
7115 | Developing Educational Specifications | 5/13/2013 |
7211 | Architect Selection | 5/13/2013 |
7221 | Site Selection | 5/13/2013 |
7230.1 | Energy-Conserving Construction | 5/13/2013 |
7230.2 | Indoor Air Quality | 5/13/2013 |
7230.3 | Acoustics | 5/13/2013 |
7551 | Naming Facilities | 5/13/2013 |
Policy # | Policy Title | Last Rev. |
9000 | Role of Board and Members (Powers, Purposes, Duties) | 4/15/2013 |
9010 | Limits of Authority | 4/15/2013 |
9012 | Legal Responsibilities of Board of Education | 4/15/2013 |
9020 | Public Statements | 4/15/2013 |
9020.1 | Advocacy | 4/15/2013 |
9030 | Commitment to Democratic Principles in Relation to Community, Staff, Students | 4/15/2013 |
9040 | Board-Related Responsibilities | 4/15/2013 |
9110 | Number of Members, Terms of Office, Oath of Office | 2/10/2013 |
9121 | Board of Education Officers | 4/15/2013 |
9125 | Attorney | 4/15/2013 |
9130 | Committees | 5/17/2021 |
9131 | Committee of the Whole | 4/15/2013 |
9132 and 9133 | Committees and Advisory Committees | 4/15/2013 |
9140 | Board Representatives | 4/15/2013 |
9150 | Board Consultants | 4/15/2013 |
9210 | Qualifications of Members | 4/15/2013 |
9214 | Election of Members | 4/15/2013 |
9221 | Filling Vacancies | 4/15/2013 |
9222 | Resignation/Removal from Office/Censure | 4/15/2013 |
9230 | Orientation of Board Members | 4/15/2013 |
9240 | Board Member Professional Development | 4/15/2013 |
9250 | Enumeration and Reimbursement | 4/15/2013 |
9260 | Board Member Protection | 4/15/2013 |
9270 | Conflict of Interest | 4/15/2013 |
9271 | Code of Ethics | 4/15/2013 |
9272 | Code of Conduct on Data Use | 4/15/2013 |
9300 | Methods of Operation | 4/15/2013 |
9311 | Policies | 4/15/2013 |
9312 | Bylaws | 4/15/2013 |
9313 | Formulation, Adoption, Amendment of Administrative Regulations | 4/15/2013 |
9314 | Suspension of Policies, Bylaws, and Regulations | 4/15/2013 |
9321 | Time, Place, Notification of Meetings | 2/8/2016 |
9322 | Public and Executive Sessions | 4/15/2013 |
9323 | Agenda Construction/Meeting Materials | 4/15/2013 |
9324 | Meeting Conduct & Parliamentary Procedures | 4/15/2013 |
9325 | Meeting Conduct | 4/15/2013 |
9325.1 | Quorum | 4/15/2013 |
9325.2 | Order of Business | 4/15/2013 |
9325.3 | Parliamentary Procedure | 4/15/2013 |
9325.4 | Vote Recording | 4/15/2013 |
9326 | Reporting Board Meeting Accomplishments | 4/15/2013 |
9327 | Meetings | 4/15/2013 |
9330 | Board/School District Records | 4/15/2013 |
9350 | Board of Education Hearings | 4/15/2013 |
9360 | School Board Legislative Program | 4/15/2013 |
9400 | Monitoring Products and Processes | 4/15/2013 |