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Orange Public Schools

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Our Mission

The Orange Elementary School District recognizes that the education of each child is the shared responsibility of every member of our community.

Our goal is to inspire and empower each student to achieve academic excellence, embrace social and individual responsibility, and lead with integrity. We believe all individuals should be valued and treated with respect.

We are committed to:

  • Providing powerful academic challenges
  • Respecting individual and community values
  • Nurturing personal growth
  • Taking pride in our children and celebrating their successes
  • Promoting school and community spirit
  • Enhancing lifelong learning through technology
  • Believing all children deserve a childhood
  • Creatively, confidently building the future
Together we will make a difference.

The Orange Public Schools serve approximately 1,250 students in grades K-6. The districts' facilities include Mary L. Tracy School which houses a full-day kindergarten and a pre-school program for approximately 215 students. Three elementary schools, Peck Place School, Race Brook School, and Turkey Hill School each offer an exceptional program for student in grades 1-6. Students are served by approximately 115 instructional staff, 6 administrators, and 80 staff. The community has a long history of supporting its school system.

The Orange Public Schools believe that the success of any school district is ultimately dependent upon a collegial and collaborative relationship among the Board of Education, staff, administration, and parents. That collaboration must focus on high academic standards and communicate exceptional expectations for every student’s success. The administrators act as visionaries and instructional leaders. The faculty teaches to high standards and communicates a strong commitment to students’ personal achievements. The staff supports the educational program by putting teachers’ and students’ classroom needs first. Parents become active participants in their children’s lives, advocating excellence and achievement for all.

The Orange Public School's 2013 - 2016 Strategic Plan: Working Together We Grow was the work of administrators, teachers, parents, and Board members. It is available HERE.