BOE Overview
BOE Overview
The Orange Board of Education
The primary roles of the Board are to formulate goals that will advance its educational philosophy, as well as to establish policies that provide a blueprint for the school administration to follow. In addition, the Board:
- Reviews and approves curriculum;
- Works collaboratively with the Superintendent and Business Administrator to set forth and approve an annual spending plan;
- Selects, supports, and evaluates the Superintendent of Schools;
- Acts as a hearing panel on such issues as termination and expulsion;
- Builds public support and understanding of public education;
- Keeps informed about the impact of state and federal legislation as it impacts local decision making.
Our Committees
The Board is organized into standing committees. The Board Chairperson serves as an ex-officio member of each Board Committee. The five standing committees are:
- Buildings & Grounds & Safety & Security
- Finance & Operations
- Personnel/Policy/Transportation
- Curriculum/Instruction
Committee meeting agendas are posted at the Town Hall, Board of Education office, and always on this website. Meeting minutes are posted at the Board of Education Office and, here, on the district's website.
The Board of Education abides by policies and administrative regulations that comprise a comprehensive Policy Manual. The policies and regulations are updated regularly and provide guidance and direction so members are able to make informed decisions. Our improved web access to Board Policy makes the review and printing of specific policies a user-friendly process.
Regular Board Meetings
The Board meets once each month, usually on the third Monday, beginning at 7:00 p.m., to hear public comments and conduct business. Regular meetings are most often held in the upstairs Conference Room at the Board of Education Office. The schedule of the regular meetings, agendas, and minutes are posted on the website.
The meetings are conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order. Meetings are recorded and replayed on Channel 79, Orange Government Access Television (OGAT). Additional special meetings may be scheduled as needed. They are posted in the office of the Town Clerk at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Public Participation
Speakers may offer objective comments to the Board concerning school operations and programs. Comments will be limited to two (2) minutes per speaker. The Board encourages speakers not to express personal complaints or defamatory comments about the Orange Board of Education personnel or any person associated with the Orange Public School System. Comments about security issues, matters related to due process, negotiations, or grievances will not be permitted. Consistent with the principles of the Federal Education Right to Privacy Act (FERPA), discussions about students are prohibited absent a written parent waiver. Public participation doe snot allow for a two-way conversation between the Board and the participants. We thank you for expressing your thoughts and opinions, all comments will be taken into consideration.
Persons who wish to express an opinion on an issue but cannot attend the meeting may write to the Board Chairperson in care of the Board of Education, 637 Orange Center Road, Orange, CT 06477. Communications are distributed to all Board members and summarized at the next BOE meeting during the 'correspondence' portion of the meeting.