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Curriculum & Instruction



Our district is committed to developing curricula that are classic, current, and aligned to standards, specifically, Connecticut Core State Standards (for English Language Arts and Math); Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS); Social and Emotional Learning Standards; and Connecticut Elementary Social Studies Frameworks. All Orange teachers are involved in the curriculum mapping process. Teachers rely on a four-phase mapping process to revise and refine units on the basis of evidence-based practices and actual student work. These phases ensure solid unit foundations, effective unit launches, curriculum maps that are informed by assessments, and learning that is fresh and current for Orange students. In addition, units of study are developed to provide students with opportunities for engagement in authentic, real-life investigations that deepen learning and foster the use of critical practices and capacities related to content learning. 

Rubicon Atlas is the interactive, electronic platform Orange educators rely on to compare actual day-to-day curricular operations with intended district and school curricula. This platform also provides all stakeholders with the opportunity to engage in vertical and horizontal curriculum communications. As a result, teachers are able to highlight redundancies and gaps in learning and confirm logical learning sequences. Instructional resources are also linked to unit learning targets on this platform for all grade levels. 
Kindergarten through grade 6 students can access several differentiated digital resources through a 1:1 Chromebook device initiative. This means one device is assigned to each Orange student. 
Resources are linked to learning targets and accessed through Classlink, our single sign-on platform that allows teachers and students to engage with various online resources. These include Newsela, Freckle, Lexia, StoryBoard That!, Scholastic Bookflix, Discovery, and many more. 
Orange staff continues to implement positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) while developing emotional intelligence skills (recognizing, understanding, labeling, expressing, and regulating emotions) through a partnership with the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. These approaches and partnerships support healthy school cultures and provide all students and staff with opportunities and experiences to achieve social, emotional, and academic success.
Evelyn Russo, Ph. D.
Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Personnel
Jane Gallagher
Administrative Assistant